• Introduction

    Welcome to my blog. There is so much I could say, but I want to save most of my stories for future posts, so I will keep this a brief summary. I grew up in a Pentecostal Christian home, where my father was a Pastor. I was the black sheep of the family and always an outsider at school. I experienced depression at a very young age due to trauma, although at the time, I did not realize what that was, and I remained that way for the longest time, until recently.

    In my adolescence, I was consistently looking for love and acceptance. I never felt truly accepted by my parents, so I would seek it externally in the form of relationships. Time and time again, these relationships would come and go, causing only more pain, including ky 7-year marriage. I have much to tell in regards to love and relationships, which is a major reason why I have freed myself and am also writing this blog. More indeed will come.

    Death was a common thing I was accustomed to, with congregational members passing on, but my first real loss that affected me was the passing of my grandmother. It was her death, along with the fear of Hell, did I develop a panic disorder. I had panic attacks frequently, sometimes multiple times a day. My body and mind were in a constant state of distress. It only worsened when my father passed away unexpectedly,  whom he also had his own symptoms, which mirrored my own.

    Throughout everything, I am finally free. Free from depression, anxiety, and panic. I am taking no medications for such things. The physical symptoms are still present, but I believe they, too, will fade in time. My goal is to give solace and encourage self-growth and love.

    With great love, Caleb